Most children sang the song “This little light of mine” when they were in pre-school or Sunday school. Did you ever stop to think what it means or how we can apply it to our adult lives?
If you are a Christian,you have the Light inside you. Jesus often talked about being the Light of the World when he was on earth. When he died, he gave that light to us, his followers.
What does it mean to be the light? It all goes back to the 90’s saying of WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?).
As Christians, we are supposed to show Jesus’ Light to the world through our actios and our words and share this great love we have inside of us! I know I sometimes struggle with this, myself. I find myself walking a fine line between being in the world but not being of it, as I am called to do. I dance this dance of wanting to make sure I don’t offend anyone, but keep to my beliefs and values. It’s an art I have not perfected yet. I want to make a conscience effert to display more of Christ, though. It is not always easy to let my little (BIG!) light shine! There are times when it seems downright impossible without making others angry and when I have to learn to let go of the fear that wells up inside me to please people, rather than please God.
I am taking baby steps towards this goal, though. I just want to tell the world how awesome my Jesus is!
The post This Little Light of Mine appeared first on Saved By Grace.